Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where Did God Come From?

Yeah! you read it right. This question popped up in my mind when whole country is in festive mood of celebrating Navratri and Dussehra. Actually there is set of questions
1. We created God or God created us? 2. where did God come from?  3. Is God immortal?  4. Do God really protect us when we worship? 5. What if we are atheists?  

Let us find out the answer which makes some sense. No I am not an atheist. I am a man of science who believes in god. I presume science and religion should go hand in hand and this would be the perfect moment to quote Albert Einstein 
Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind.
 Einstein was right but I don't know what he had in mind when he said this. He was a truly remarkable man and I guess he believed in god though many historians says he was not a religious person.

Anyway lets contemplate a little bit about life before moving on God.  Whats the basic purpose of life? I guess its survival. We breath to live, we eat to live, we sense our environment to live, in short, we live to live. This is true for all living organism and not only for human. We go into all sorts of troubles to ensure our survival. A bird learn to fly, a deer learn to run, a cat learn to jump, we humans educate ourselves right from our birth. why? So that we get enough resources for our livelihood. But a bird don't know for sure which direction to fly to get enough food without meeting its own predators, a deer don't know for sure which direction to run to outrun lion without getting her horns entangled in bushes, we don't know for sure which path to choose to get success. There are uncertainties everywhere and at every moment. We are not sure of whats going to happen next so we made God. We can't predict the future so we made God. God is just a faith inside our conscience that make us believe that coming moment won't be a threat to our survival. Had there been no God we wouldn't have taken a step forward or backward fearing a lighting may strike that place or rock may fall on our head(since probability of these are more than zero). So we keep God in our heart and move fearlessly believing that lighting would strike anywhere but on us. So its the moment of uncertainties which leads to the birth of God. If a man is standing at war front facing coming bullets, where probability of getting hit by bullet in neither zero nor one, must have something to hold on. That is God.  

But the more experienced and acquainted with the forest a deer is, more certain it is for her to choose right direction. The more educated  a man is, it is more certain for him to choose a befitting career path with lesser probability of failure . The better equipped and trained a soldier is, the more will be his chance of not getting hit. In all these cases there will be lesser chance of failure and subsequently lesser dependency on God.

The God takes birth from the womb of tossed coin and die as soon as coin settles.  

There is no God, there is just faith to overcome fear of uncertainty. Every moment God takes birth and every moment he dies. The more we will equip ourselves to predict future, the lesser will be the life time of god. The day we will write an equation which governs all worldly phenomena, the God will cease to exist, until then he is immortal.  

Location: IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India


  1. I have read few of your posts... You ability to organize ur thoughts is inspiring... Keep up the good work... :) :D

    Besides i think that until the reason behind Birth and Death are discovered,God won't go away....

    1. Well thank you so much for your appreciation. It means a lot. :)

  2. Proud to have a friend like you. You are an inspiration to many. May you reach the pinnacle of glory.

    1. Mohmaya Da I wish you had ever given me such a nice compliment in person. :P

  3. You really have to acknowledge the randomness of an unforgiving Universe that is hell bent on killing you rather than perpetuation, in order to understand just how devoid it is of a deity with an unexplained tenderness towards sentient bi-pedals on a tiny rocky planet. Einstein was as torn as any critical thinker on religious matters and he was an immensely spiritual person rather than religious.

    You can never find the reason behind Birth and Death because there is none. There is You and there is Me. Since it is impossible for You to read My mind, you find security in an artificially manufactured omniscient totem.

    1. Specifying a universe just as a killer might jeopardize the evolution theory so I won't agree with your statement "Universe that is hell bent on killing you rather than perpetuation". All belongings of the universe are following its own trajectory of survival that may or may not overtop each other.

      "There is You and there is Me. Since it is impossible for You to read My mind, you find security in an artificially manufactured omniscient totem." That is exactly what I meant by uncertainty.

  4. If God exists, then he sure be rolling on the floor laughing out loud.
    Ok Dont judge me, but I have heard from the personal experiences of the old, as they narrated it to me, how supernatural things happened with them. This is an incident I heard from an old lady.
    Her kid i.e my relative went for playing out in the evening, but due to some reason were delayed. So while returning, they took a shorter route and jumped pass some walls, on their way home. Soon they ate and fell asleep. Later the lady and her mother in law realised that there was some kind of suffocation in the room. They were frightened and in anxiety started reading ramayana book. The book, by the narration of the lady was flung on the wall. So she started reciting Hanuman Chalisa. Slowly the ambiance normalised. Later the kid told the way from which he had taken the shortcut, and as per the narration , it was the boundary of a graveyard. If there's evil, then there must be good as well.

    Personally I believe that God is not an entity that could be explained in terms of material definition,for that would make him too trivial. But belief in its existence has substantial perks like its the only thing which gives birth to ethics, and moral code and hence the smooth running platform for the society. Laws are only but a formal extension of ethics. And ethics are born out of moral values.
    In a study conducted, it was found that people were benevolent when they were induced by spirituality more often than when they were not.
