Thursday, October 25, 2012


चमकते सूरज और सुलगती ज़मीन के बीच
मग्न था वो बाड़ लगाने में
पसीने बदन से रिशने के पहले ही
सूरज की तपती किरण में सूख रहें थे ।

मगर बाहर के आग से ज्यादा
उसे पेट की आग सता रही थी
दोपहरी बीतने को थी और
मंगलू की माँ अब तक नहीं लायी थी खाना ।

तबियत भी कुछ ढीली थी आज,
पर बाड़ लगाना ज़रूरी था
अब रात भर रखवाली भी तो नहीं होती
उन भेड़ियो से जो रौन्द देते हैं सारी फसल ।

तभी एक पथराई हुई सी आवाज़ सुनाई दी
"बंद करो ए बाड़ वाड़ लगाना और खाना खा लो",
"मेरे मरने के बाद ही लाती" झुझुलाते हुए पलटा था वो,
"मै कोई सोयी नहीं थी, शहर से बाबू आये थे,
ज़मीन अधिग्रहण के पन्ने पर अंगूठा लेने "

खाना निचे रखते हुए बोली
"इस्पेसल इकोनोमिक ज़ोन बनेगा हमारी खेतो पर
और दिन भर धूप में देह तपाने की भी जरूरत नहीं है अब,
नाईट वाचमैन की नौकरी का भी वादा किया है बाबू ने "

अवाक् सा फटी आखो से देख रहा था वो
अपनी ज़मीन के इर्द-गिर्द भेड़ियो के पांवो के निशान  ।

-चंचल प्रकाशम्

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where Did God Come From?

Yeah! you read it right. This question popped up in my mind when whole country is in festive mood of celebrating Navratri and Dussehra. Actually there is set of questions
1. We created God or God created us? 2. where did God come from?  3. Is God immortal?  4. Do God really protect us when we worship? 5. What if we are atheists?  

Let us find out the answer which makes some sense. No I am not an atheist. I am a man of science who believes in god. I presume science and religion should go hand in hand and this would be the perfect moment to quote Albert Einstein 
Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind.
 Einstein was right but I don't know what he had in mind when he said this. He was a truly remarkable man and I guess he believed in god though many historians says he was not a religious person.

Anyway lets contemplate a little bit about life before moving on God.  Whats the basic purpose of life? I guess its survival. We breath to live, we eat to live, we sense our environment to live, in short, we live to live. This is true for all living organism and not only for human. We go into all sorts of troubles to ensure our survival. A bird learn to fly, a deer learn to run, a cat learn to jump, we humans educate ourselves right from our birth. why? So that we get enough resources for our livelihood. But a bird don't know for sure which direction to fly to get enough food without meeting its own predators, a deer don't know for sure which direction to run to outrun lion without getting her horns entangled in bushes, we don't know for sure which path to choose to get success. There are uncertainties everywhere and at every moment. We are not sure of whats going to happen next so we made God. We can't predict the future so we made God. God is just a faith inside our conscience that make us believe that coming moment won't be a threat to our survival. Had there been no God we wouldn't have taken a step forward or backward fearing a lighting may strike that place or rock may fall on our head(since probability of these are more than zero). So we keep God in our heart and move fearlessly believing that lighting would strike anywhere but on us. So its the moment of uncertainties which leads to the birth of God. If a man is standing at war front facing coming bullets, where probability of getting hit by bullet in neither zero nor one, must have something to hold on. That is God.  

But the more experienced and acquainted with the forest a deer is, more certain it is for her to choose right direction. The more educated  a man is, it is more certain for him to choose a befitting career path with lesser probability of failure . The better equipped and trained a soldier is, the more will be his chance of not getting hit. In all these cases there will be lesser chance of failure and subsequently lesser dependency on God.

The God takes birth from the womb of tossed coin and die as soon as coin settles.  

There is no God, there is just faith to overcome fear of uncertainty. Every moment God takes birth and every moment he dies. The more we will equip ourselves to predict future, the lesser will be the life time of god. The day we will write an equation which governs all worldly phenomena, the God will cease to exist, until then he is immortal.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Suggestion: Impartial Investigation

In India, President is the head of republic. But since India is a democratic nation and the President is not directly elected by the people of India, he is not the supreme leader, though he is the formal head of legislative, judiciary and executive.
Rashtrapati Bhawan
Presidential Standard of India

President is the commander-in-chief of Indian Armed Forces and as we know the person who controls army is the omnipotent. But is that the case with our President? The answer is no. He appoints the chief of Army, Air-Force and Navy and can declare a war and conclude peace, subject to consultation with Parliament, the apex governing body of democratic of India. All international treaties and agreements are done on his behalf by the head of the party who enjoys majority in parliament. All money bill originates in parliament on his recommendation, he can declare emergency and dissolve any federal government given the consent of parliament. The 42nd amendment of the constitution has made it obligatory on the part of president to accept the advice of council of ministers. So in short he does everything in the country but can't do anything really without consultation with the parliament.

Whats the problem?

Back in 1946 when Indian constituent assembly started drafting constitution they wanted to give all power to common street people. Since each and every member[1] of the parliament is chosen by the people and from among the people, they had hardly doubted that people will lose faith in them. It was supposed that losing faith in parliament is like losing faith in self. So they vested all power in parliament and made it an apex governing body. But they kept the judiciary independent of legislative to have impartial judgement even on the matters that involves government. Now what is the case? Judiciary is independent but the investigative agencies on whose findings the court will give its verdict is in the hand of government.

Imagine the fate of a university where grading copies and declaring results is in the hand of professors but examination control committee which conduct exams is headed by student body.  

Recent case: A Hindi news channel Aaj Tak conducted a sting operation on the working of Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial trust and came up with irregularities of INR 71 lakh which was endowed to trust to conduct a camp for differently-abled people, but that camp never happened. This trust is run by wife of Mr. Salman Khurshid, Union law minister of Govt. of India. Social Activist Mr Arvind kejriwal along with many supposedly beneficiaries from this camp wanted to meet Prime Minister to complain but they all were jailed. Mr Salman Khurshid came live on national TV and bashed all the protesters along with TV which conducted sting and heard saying "I will not give answer to anyone on streets". He also challenged to litigate the controversy to court.

Now, the aforesaid trust is in UP so the case will be between UP state government and trust run by family of union law minister. Chief minister of UP is Mr Akhilesh Yadav of samajwadi party and a case against his father Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav for disproportionate assets is pending in supreme court which will be investigated by CBI(investigative agency under govt.). So do we need Sherlock Holmes to figure out what will happen? Can we overlook the 'quid pro quo' case here? This wouldn't be the first time for central government to avail CBI.


Make the post of President apolitical. which can only be done by changing the way president is elected and not by giving resignation from primary membership of party after filling nomination for president. Anyway common people is not voting for president directly don't let MP's and MLA's vote either. I believe that the President should have an idea about the functioning of government and he should not be completely aloof of governance. So lets make it a bureaucratic post like a chief election commissioner of India or chief justice of supreme court.  Only all the IAS rank officers, few elite universities professors, judges of courts and high court will vote and elect the President. So will be the election procedure for governors for states.
All investigative agencies should be under President and Governors of states  and they don't need to consult government for any kind of investigation. Now a government or a "street person" anyone can knock the door of president for impartial investigation against each other. Let all other power of the President as it is. Even presidential judicial power like pardon, reprieve,remission, respite would now make some sense.

Give the man at least something so that  he wouldn't find it satirical when someone says His Excellency.