Friday, December 23, 2011

When Noodles Turned Crispy

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic, Justices, Equality, Fraternity, INDIA 2020, Development.

Isn't this all enough to make a person feel ravenous. Abundant craving and that too for enormously long period impaired the public sagacity, crippled with sense they vaguely started demanding something that can easy their agony of burning stomach due to over flowing gastric acids.

Government after signing Kyoto protocol was over-concerned with the emission of greenhouse gases so she decided to tap the heat of public demand to cook something that get ready in 2 minute. What else can one think other that Maggi noodles if it comes to cook and serve in 2 minute. There were lot of other reasons too to converse the verdict on noodles

1. Fast to cook (of course)
2. Easy to eat.
3. You can segment it without making sound.
4. Easy Recipe.
5. Tastes good.
6. and most importantly it's a "Brother's " cuisine.

After finalising what to cook, Now it was time to set the kitchen accessories, so she contacted her foreign friends giving them lucrative offers. Every thing was going smoothly as planned, stage was all calibrated, media took the responsibility to add enough spice to make Maggi full flavoured, foreign giants retailers took the burden of interminable supply of raw Maggi noodles. What came in her part was just adding water, seemed very easy but was very decisive task as supplying heat was not in her control so at first she added enough water but she was not sure about the quantity of Maggi to be cooked to pacify the public voracity so she took advice from some "Elite" section of public.

Maggi was ready in 2 minute as promised on the pack, but the time that she took in aligning all the accessories and tasting the Maggi(Media was also satisfying themselves ) along with cooking, lead to a situation of starvation. At first, some "Elite" people were invited for "Maggi Tasting" as government had apprehension of huge public turmoil because of bad taste. and also they wanted to take few more people in their confidence. Getting such a privileged offer to taste new cuisine that too before all the public, "Elite" group became elated, keeping their emotions on hold when they went inside, the aroma of noodles fragmented their wall of patience and within the blink of an eye they licked the vessel clean with relish(already it was less than half). It's then they realised they were invited just for tasting and that too on behave of millions of starved people waiting outside. Now they had to convince people so they came up with an idea, after all they were "Elite" people.

They came outside arranged a podium and announced "that noodle was tasteless and insufficient as we did not have clear idea of total demand, it was a bit over-cooked too, so please clam yourself down, we have introduced new recipe it will take time, but the taste will fulfill all your taste buds and will change your life forever, try to supply heat judiciously". People had trust in them, holding their stomach tight they cooled their temper.

This time Media showed their charisma holding spice department they wanted to explore something unexercised, so they over spiced it, due to low heat supply noodle remained partly cooked within specified time, keeping their trust in "Elite" group's recipe, Government served it among people without getting it tasted. People ate desperately, few died on spot, some committed suicide eating such nauseating, repulsive noodle.


Now the common people's anger shattered all the bonds of forbearing, their temper reached boiling state, the temperature of the noodle vessel started increasing enormously, it was too high that water poured by government evaporated even before reaching in the noodle pot. Noodle was roasted in the heat. it became crisped. Again Maggi tasters were called but they did not dare to eat more because crisped noodle was making sound when crumbling in their mouth and also there was risk of hurting soft lining of mouth, it was no longer soft smooth noodle.

The above Italic font paragraph is the dying dream of people who ate Musty Noodle. Some among them don't even wanted to enjoy the tasty noodle, they just wanted to put off their pancreatic fire.The Buck Stops Here, Generate the heat, crisp the noodle. It's the need of hour.

This post was originally published on